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You know that accountability would help.
You’ve been thinking about how the right nutrition, workouts and habit changes would help you reach your goals.
The hard part is how to come up with a strategy that’s actually effective, and how to stick to it longterm.

That’s where we come in

What we do at Mothership Wellness, Inc.

Nutrition Planning

Our team gives you meal plans, nutrition guidance, accountability, lab testing and supplementation protocols and everything you could need to make sure you are feeding your body in accordance with your goals. Managing food & supplements is confusing for so many people, and we work with you to make sure we have an effective plan that is simple to implement.

Fitness Planning

Our team of physique architects do a round-table on you: looking at your assessments, starting photos, injuries and movement preferences. We program the most efficient and effective workouts for your goals, offer individual and group personal training to help you stay motivated, and weave in your staple favorites so that your fitness stays fun.

Professional Coaching

It’s great to have goals, but it’s hard to develop the right strategy and stick to it. Everyone has blocks and triggers that prevents follow through. Coaching is a truly helpful way to work through the tough moments, the negative self-talk, and holding boundaries. Our coaching services address optimizing mindset, relationships, organization, and habit changes to get you performing your best.


come aboard the mothership

come aboard the mothership

We are a group of behavioral therapists, physique architects, nutritionists, and personal trainers who coach our clients using all three of these disciplines to lose weight, reduce alcohol consumption and cigarette use, address health issues/diagnoses, and get into the best shape of their life through holistic plans!