Building confident kids and harmonious homes

We consult on behavioral, nutritional, and fitness plans for kids of all ages. We work with parents and caregivers to assess what their child/ren need and what approach will work best for their goals.

We set you up with custom charts, tools, and plans for your family and kids based upon the assessment.

We help with:

  • Screen time reduction

  • Independent chore completion

  • Picky eaters

  • Processed food or sugar reduction

  • Increasing whole food consumption

  • Physical activity

  • Weight loss

  • Executive functioning

  • Sleep systems

  • AM/PM routines

  • Token economies (how to increase and decrease certain behaviors)

Our Products:

Available only to those who have had an assessment first

  • Token Economies Creation

  • Morning and Evening Steps Check-list

  • Chore Charts

  • Sleep Systems

  • Health Course 

  • Activity Tracking System

  • Goal Setting Systems

Mothership Kids Team!

Ashley Damaj, BCBA, MSW, CN, CPT

Danielle Buse, BCBA